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4Tube is a free XXX tube filled to the brim with some of the most exciting pornography you can possibly imagine. The navigation is fast and easy, the design is neat…. There are MANY things to enjoy about that pornographic site. Honestly, we think it’s almost completely flawless. Almost.

In our humble opinion, there’s a way to improve the experience. See, aren’t you tired of all the porn tubes being oversaturated with run-of-the-mill, dull videos? Thanks to our strict quality control policy, we upload ONLY the hottest porn from the aforementioned tube. Yeah, instead of trying to build a collection from scratch, we decided to cherry-pick all the hottest videos from Some might call it lazy, but you guys have no idea how long it took for us to collect all the hottest porn from that website. Hell, we do it to this very day – there are daily updates, after all.

We strive to be the absolute best and we want our collection to be as incredibly as humanly possible. We prefer quality over quantity and that’s the biggest difference between us and the original website. Now, let’s talk about all the things that you’re going to enjoy if you decide to stay with us.

We offer a very large collection of porn genres. There’s something for just about everyone. No matter if your interests are especially, uhm, peculiar. We got numerous XXX genres related to stepfamily sex, BDSM, and femdom, for example. If you prefer something lighter, we can help you out as well. We got all the most popular mainstream niches covered – anal, threesome, lesbian, you just name it. Basically, it’s impossible for you to NOT find the exact type of porn you were looking for.

4 Tube focuses on video quality and we do the same. Most of the clips you’re going to see here are available in either 720p or 1080p. Nonetheless, there are some movies that can only be played in 480p. Don’t dwell on that – these are retro movies. Maybe it’s the movies that weren’t originally shot in high definition anyway. We don’t want you to get all anal about it, y’know?

Side note: we really want you to enjoy the best that we can offer, so do get anal about the features you want to see in the future. You can reach out to us via email and tell us what you think. We’ll be more than happy to hear your thoughts on our XXX tube and its features.

As mentioned before, we add new 4 Tube porn videos on a daily basis. Once again, we would like to point out that we do our absolute best to select only the hottest videos. You get the steamiest possible porn delivered straight to your screen on a day-to-day basis. We do our best to spread out the updates, categories-wise. No matter how kinky or vanilla your preferences might be, you still are guaranteed to get a bunch of freebies every day. You should take advantage of our lightning-fast streaming, frequent updates, and other convenient user features.

Your greatest porn tube experience awaits, so stop reading. Seriously. Just go ahead and pick a video that seems the hottest to you.

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